Sunday, November 28, 2010

What a wonderful world...

It's been a long year. I haven't written in quite a while, partly due to a lack of enthusiasm, partly due to the toll my mouthstick is taking on my teeth. Sadly, I have not been blessed with the dentures of a gerbil. But, as with everything else in life opportunities present themselves: I'm teaching my computer to understand my speech. You've got to love technology!

So, where to begin? Is it just me, or is the world going mad? We've certainly had our share of headlines this year. From highlights like the FIFA World Cup, the groundbreaking rescue of Chilean miners, and the announcement of a royal wedding to the inevitable tragedies and disasters that tend to lead news bulletins from day-to-day. My question is this: where is the love? It comes as no surprise to me that we make such a big deal out of the "good" news. After all, we're starved of it. Is the media a true reflection of the world's mood? Are nations really so selfish? Are we, as individuals, truly so apathetic? I'm starting to believe that the world we live in needs an enema.

My life has truly been anything but ordinary. Where once I had the body of an athlete... and the ego to match, now I have what I can only describe as the proverbial opposite. Yet, it seems to me that the former was far more highly prized by others. Does the shallowness of this world have no bounds? Of course it may well be that I'm merely jaded by my own experiences and observations. In a way, I certainly hope so. Ironically, I would feel far happier knowing that I'm merely narcissistic and opinionated. That way the only one who will need changing is me.

As we head into the festive season to come, I hope that people will once again connect with those things that are really important: caring for others unconditionally, appreciating the little things we otherwise take for granted, remembering those who are less fortunate than ourselves and, most importantly, believing that real change can only start with ourselves. Santa Claus and Christmas trees, gifts and holiday frivolity will come and go. While this is a joyous time of the year, next year will bring new opportunities and challenges of its own. I for one intend making 2011 a year to remember. I'm grateful for all the opportunities I have received and I thank God for those people in my life that constantly remind me that this life is not just about me.

1 comment:

justfoodnow said...

You have touched my life and it's all the richer for having met you. I love your writing and will certainly come back here - just keep uploading to facebook, please. ;