Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dear Diary?

Wow. What a week it's turning out to be. Since I last wrote I've gone through quite a roller-coaster of an emotional ride. Where to begin? Someone once told me: "You live the life you wish for..." If that's true, then I have a genie with a very interesting sense of humour.

Last week I heard that my brother had been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. How? Why? Aaagh! No one in my family has diabetes! He's only 33! WTF?! Google, as it turned out, came to the rescue again. So he's not going to die (duh!), I don't have to lose sleep (double duh!), and it's simply a case of "he's got to change his lifestyle". It does, however, give perspective to one's outlook on one's own mortality.

Okay. So what to do when you figure out that you won't live forever? Road trip!! Yours truly is going to do an easter getaway. Where to you might ask? Saturday night I'm at the Rietfontein resort ( near a little town called Calitzdorp in the Little Karoo. Sunday night I'm at the Ko-Ka Tsara Bush lodge ( near Beaufort West in the Great Karoo (I think it's the Great Karoo). In between we have many wine farms, we have the Cango Caves (haven't seen those since I was a kid) and a few very nice coastal detours if the notion arises. I haven't taken anything even loosely called a vacation in... well... forever, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Between now and then I've got to deal with the little things like Bear Stearns going bust, the greedy sods. I don't know where bankers go to school but I can't imagine that they're very good ones. Ugh! So they're pushing half a trillion $$$'s in write downs? Who gives people these mortgages? The tooth fairy? Even she wants at least a tooth as collateral. Drives me nuts! Now I have to wait a month for the ripples in the market psychology to die down. Oh well, at least Lehman Bros had results that didn't make themselves look like overpaid loan sharks. But enough shop talk. I'm off to a fish braai!

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