Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Auld Lang Syne...

It's the end of another year. They just seem to fly by, don't they? The gifts have been unwrapped, the turkey gobbled, the saviour remembered... in short, Christmas is behind me. I must say, it was an emotional one for me, but in a good way. I am so humbled by the incredible people in my life. I have such amazing friends and family. It's easy to overlook the impact they have on my life... but get them all together in one room, add some conversation and a drink or two --- even I get blubbery! It's such a blessing to be able to get together with the extended family at Brightwater Lodge in Houtbay (yes, I know it's a shameless plug, but it's a really cool B & B).

So now it's a countdown to 2010. I'm really optimistic for the year to come. Financially, socially, spiritually... it all just feels like something huge is coming. So, yeah, light the fires, pop the bubbly! I'm excited for what the New Year will bring. If nothing else, it's a new beginning. No, I'm not talking about those stupid 'resolutions' that everyone makes and nobody keeps. I'm talking about having January 1 really be the proverbial 'first day of the rest of your life'. I really hope to reconnect with people this year and build relationships with friends, old and new. Who knows? I might even give YOU, reading this, a call. I'd say this, though: don't wait for me to call... my cell number is 079 662 9117 --- call me! Let's chat.

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