Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Waiting on a Miracle

What do you do when, somehow, a Springsteen song shakes a few cobwebs loose in the mists of your mind and inspires you to post a blog entry? Considering that I haven't posted one in a year and a half, the only reader to this bit of unashamed self indulgence may turn out to be the proverbial "ghost in the machine". One good thing is that I won't be short of stuff to write about. So much has happened, it's difficult to know where to begin?

So, as we all know, the world decided that it was a good time to have a recession. Hindsight being the wonderful 20/20 experience that it is, it goes without saying that yours truly also saw his hiney up close and personal. I lost more than some, less than others... but enough to be resolute in leaving share trading to the "experts", although I'm currently of the opinion that this is a contradiction in terms.

Now, you may ask: "Where to next?" Believe me, I asked the same thing --- in between panic attacks. It's not much fun to realise that your life has reached a point of critical mass and you have about as much control over it as you do over a nuclear explosion. All I can say is "buckle up, it's a bumpy ride!"... oh, and yeah, there's no steering. Thank God... let me say it again... Thank God for a church like mine! A change of address, a rethink of your own universal significance, and 9 months later --- to quote Dame Elton: "I'M STILL STANDING!"

Phew! So here I am, having discovered something called Ambrotose... something I reckon everyone should take... and on the eve of a whole new adventure. I'm ironing the kinks out of a IT business plan for 2010 (No, it has nothing to do with football) and looking forward to another blessed Christmas with my family. Oh, I almost forgot... the pain in my butt, literally, will hopefully be a thing of the past pretty soon.

So, to take stock --- I'm still single, I'm still counting my pennies, and I'm still a little bit of a nutcase. But, hey, guess what? I'm happy!

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